Saturday, July 14, 2012

Andhra Pradesh development gone to 10 years BEHIND...

Who is responsible for this one? Who is the right person to resolve current problems? What happened to our  politicians?

After Rajasekhar's death, there is no stability in Govt. New CM's are not going in the right direction because of poor opposition leaders like Chandra babu and KCR etc..
Take an example of POWER CUTS in entire state.
CM Kiran's Actions: There is no money in Govt hands, he is not able to buy from other states. No innovative thinking to resolve these issues. Because he got CM job by fate only, no hurdles faced. Out of box thinking is required to get perfect solutions, so that people will trust on him.
Chandra babu: Just utilizing these problems and trying to get positive results in 2014 results. But people are not thinking like that. Except some foolish statements and cast politics, what is the difference in his thoughts or visions?

Our development halted and back trends in industrial growth:
A new LEADER is required in AP. Who will compensate all these down trends. If same instability continues, then we can expect presidential rule in coming future. More than 10 times difficulties will be seen with respective current situation. One day our state will be in ebay for SALE.

GOD will send and HE will arrive soon.

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